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Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

The concept of Volkswagen Garden Bars captures the imagination of many enthusiasts of both vintage automobiles and creative outdoor living spaces. At the heart of this idea is the transformation of the iconic Volkswagen (VW) bus into a functional and stylish garden bar. This article will guide you through the steps of designing your own garden bar in the style of a Volkswagen bus, offering detailed insights into the process, from conceptualization to execution, to help you create a unique and inviting outdoor entertainment space.

The Charm of Volkswagen Garden Bars

The VW bus, particularly the Type 2 (T1 and T2 models), is synonymous with freedom, adventure, and a laid-back lifestyle. These attributes make it an ideal inspiration for a garden bar, as the vehicle itself evokes a sense of nostalgia and whimsy. By integrating the design elements of a VW bus into a garden bar, you can create a space that not only serves as a functional entertainment area but also as a conversation piece that reflects your personality and love for vintage style.

Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Step-by-Step Guide to Designing a Volkswagen Garden Bar

Step 1: Conceptualization and Planning

Understanding Your Space

Begin by evaluating your garden or backyard space. Consider the size and location of the garden bar. You’ll need to ensure that the bar fits well within your garden and complements the existing landscape. Measure the area where you plan to place the garden bar, keeping in mind that the standard length of a VW bus is around 4.5 meters (15 feet).

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Inspirational Research

Gather inspiration by looking at pictures of VW buses and existing Volkswagen Garden Bars. Note the specific features that stand out to you, such as the color schemes, interior layout, and distinctive design elements like the front grille, round headlights, and split windshield of the VW T1 model.

Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Step 2: Designing the Structure

Choosing the Base Structure

You have two primary options for the base structure of your garden bar:

  1. Repurposing an Actual VW Bus: If you have access to an old VW bus, you can repurpose it into a garden bar. This option adds authenticity and charm but requires more effort in terms of restoration and modification.
  2. Building a Custom Structure: Construct a bar that mimics the design of a VW bus. This approach allows for more flexibility in terms of size and layout and can be tailored to fit your specific needs.

Structural Components

Whether you repurpose an old bus or build a new structure, focus on these key components to capture the VW bus aesthetic:

  • Front End: The front of the bar should resemble the iconic face of a VW bus, complete with the split windshield, round headlights, and VW logo.
  • Body: Use materials like wood or metal to construct the body. Ensure it is sturdy enough to support a bar countertop and shelving.
  • Wheels: Attach wheels to the base of the structure to enhance the illusion of a real bus. These can be non-functional and purely decorative.
Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Step 3: Interior Layout and Design

Bar Countertop

Install a bar countertop inside the structure. Use durable and weather-resistant materials like treated wood, stainless steel, or stone. The countertop should be wide enough to accommodate drinks and snacks, with enough space underneath for storage.

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Shelving and Storage

Incorporate shelving units and storage spaces for bottles, glasses, and bar tools. Optimize the space inside the bus by utilizing vertical storage solutions.

Seating Arrangements

Depending on the size of your garden bar, include seating options such as stools, benches, or even reclaimed car seats. Ensure that the seating is comfortable and complements the overall theme.

Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus


Lighting is crucial for creating ambiance. Install both functional and decorative lighting inside and around your garden bar. LED strips, fairy lights, and vintage-style lanterns can enhance the cozy and nostalgic atmosphere.

Step 4: Exterior Finishing Touches

Paint and Decoration

Choose a color scheme that reflects the classic VW bus look. Popular choices include two-tone combinations like sky blue and white, red and white, or mint green and white. Use automotive paint for durability and an authentic finish.

Signage and Personal Touches

Add personalized touches such as a custom sign for your bar, vintage VW badges, or even a surfboard mounted on the roof. These details will make your garden bar truly unique and reflective of your personality.

Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Step 5: Landscaping and Integration

Surrounding Elements

Integrate your Volkswagen Garden Bar into the surrounding landscape. Create a patio area with pavers or decking, and add outdoor furniture that complements the bar’s theme. Use plants and greenery to soften the edges and enhance the natural feel.

Functional Additions

Consider adding functional elements like a small refrigerator, sink, or BBQ grill to your garden bar setup. These additions will increase the usability of the space, making it perfect for entertaining guests.

Step 6: Maintenance and Upkeep


Ensure that your garden bar is weatherproofed to withstand the elements. Use waterproof sealants on wooden parts and rust-resistant materials for metal components. Cover the bar during harsh weather conditions to extend its lifespan.

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Regular Maintenance

Regularly clean and inspect your garden bar to maintain its appearance and functionality. Check for any signs of wear and tear, and make necessary repairs promptly.

Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

The Joy of a Volkswagen Garden Bar

A Volkswagen garden bar is more than just a trendy addition to your backyard; it’s a celebration of a lifestyle that values relaxation, creativity, and community. The process of designing and building your own garden bar can be incredibly rewarding, offering a sense of accomplishment and a unique space to enjoy with family and friends.

By combining the timeless appeal of a VW bus with the practicality of a garden bar, you create a multifunctional outdoor space that serves as a hub for social gatherings and a personal retreat. Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue, enjoying a quiet evening drink, or simply lounging with a good book, your Volkswagen Garden Bar will undoubtedly become a cherished part of your home.

Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Step-by-Step Execution: Bringing Your Volkswagen Garden Bar to Life

Now that we have laid out the overall plan and inspiration, let’s dive deeper into the detailed steps and considerations to bring your Volkswagen garden bar project to fruition.

Detailed Structural Considerations

Repurposing an Actual VW Bus

If you decide to use an actual VW bus, there are specific steps to follow:

  1. Acquisition: Source a VW bus that is suitable for conversion. Look for buses that are no longer roadworthy but still have a solid frame and body. Check online marketplaces, scrapyards, or VW enthusiast groups.
  2. Disassembly and Cleaning: Remove any unnecessary parts and clean the bus thoroughly. Strip out the interior, including seats, flooring, and old upholstery. Be sure to handle any hazardous materials, like old fuel or oil, safely and dispose of them properly.
  3. Restoration and Modification: Address any rust or structural damage. Sand down the body and apply rust-proof paint to protect the metal. Modify the interior to accommodate the bar features, ensuring to reinforce the frame where needed to support countertops and shelving.
  4. Painting: Once the modifications are complete, paint the bus in your chosen color scheme. Automotive paint is recommended for durability. Consider using stencils to recreate the VW logo and other iconic design elements.
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Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Building a Custom Structure

If building a custom structure that mimics a VW bus, follow these guidelines:

  1. Framework: Start with a robust framework using materials like treated wood or metal. The frame should outline the shape of the VW bus, including the front end with its characteristic split windshield and rounded nose.
  2. Paneling: Attach exterior panels to the framework. Use plywood or metal sheets, depending on your preference and budget. Ensure the panels are securely fastened and weatherproofed.
  3. Detailing: Add details to replicate the look of a VW bus. This includes attaching non-functional wheels, creating the look of windows, and adding other aesthetic elements like a mock front grille and headlights. These can be crafted from various materials, such as plastic, metal, or even 3D-printed parts.

Interior Layout in Detail

Countertop Design

The bar countertop is the focal point of your Volkswagen Garden Bar. Consider the following when designing your countertop:

  • Material: Use durable materials such as treated wood, granite, or stainless steel. These materials are not only stylish but also resistant to spills and weather conditions.
  • Height and Depth: Standard bar counters are typically around 42 inches high. Ensure your countertop is deep enough to hold drinks and snacks comfortably, usually about 24 inches.
Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Storage Solutions

Efficient storage is key to keeping your garden bar organized and functional:

  • Shelving: Install shelves above and below the countertop. Use adjustable shelves to accommodate different sizes of bottles and glassware.
  • Cabinetry: Consider incorporating cabinetry with doors to protect items from the elements. Weather-resistant cabinets are ideal for storing perishable items.
  • Hooks and Holders: Add hooks for hanging wine glasses and holders for bar tools to keep everything within easy reach.
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Seating Arrangements

Create comfortable and practical seating arrangements to enhance the bar experience:

  • Bar Stools: Choose bar stools that match the theme and height of your counter. Consider stools with backrests and cushions for added comfort.
  • Bench Seating: For a more relaxed vibe, integrate bench seating using reclaimed materials. Upholstered benches can add a touch of retro style reminiscent of the original VW bus interiors.

Enhancing Ambiance with Lighting and Decor


Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood for your Volkswagen garden bar:

  • Ambient Lighting: Use string lights or fairy lights to create a warm, inviting glow. Hang them around the perimeter of the bar or drape them over nearby trees and bushes.
  • Task Lighting: Install LED strips or under-cabinet lighting to illuminate the working area behind the bar. Ensure adequate lighting for mixing drinks and serving snacks.
  • Accent Lighting: Add vintage lanterns, tiki torches, or even LED headlights on the front of the bus for an added touch of authenticity.

Decorative Elements

Personalize your garden bar with decorations that reflect the VW bus theme:

  • Signage: Create a custom sign with the name of your bar. Use vintage fonts and designs to give it an authentic look.
  • Surfboards and Accessories: Mount a surfboard on the roof or place it as a decorative element nearby. Add other beach-themed accessories like seashells, driftwood, or retro posters.
  • Plant Integration: Use potted plants or hanging planters to soften the look of the bar and blend it with the garden environment. Consider succulents or tropical plants for a laid-back vibe.
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Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Integrating Functional Additions

Essential Appliances

Incorporate essential appliances to make your Volkswagen garden bar fully functional:

  • Mini Refrigerator: A small fridge is crucial for keeping drinks cold. Choose an energy-efficient model that fits neatly under the counter.
  • Sink: If plumbing allows, install a small sink for washing glasses and preparing drinks. Ensure it has a good drainage system and is made from stainless steel for durability.
  • BBQ Grill: Adding a grill nearby can make your garden bar the ultimate entertaining spot. Choose a model that fits your space and cooking style, whether it’s a traditional charcoal grill or a modern gas-powered one.

Maintaining Your Volkswagen Garden Bar

Weatherproofing Measures

To ensure your garden bar withstands the elements, follow these weatherproofing tips:

  • Sealants and Coatings: Apply waterproof sealants to all wooden surfaces. Use rust-resistant paint or coatings on metal parts.
  • Covers and Enclosures: Use weatherproof covers to protect the bar and seating areas during rain or harsh weather. Consider retractable awnings or pergolas for added protection.

Regular Maintenance Routine

Keep your Volkswagen garden bar in top condition with regular maintenance:

  • Cleaning: Regularly clean the countertops, shelves, and seating areas. Use appropriate cleaning agents for different materials to avoid damage.
  • Inspection: Periodically inspect the structure for any signs of wear or damage. Address issues like rust, wood rot, or loose fittings immediately to prevent further deterioration.
  • Seasonal Upkeep: Before winter or during prolonged periods of bad weather, secure any movable parts and ensure that covers are properly in place. Drain and clean any water systems to prevent freezing damage.

Enjoying Your Volkswagen Garden Bar

Hosting Events

Your Volkswagen garden bar is perfect for hosting a variety of events:

  • Casual Gatherings: Invite friends over for a casual evening of drinks and conversation. The unique ambiance of your garden bar will make every gathering special.
  • Themed Parties: Host themed parties, such as a 60s beach party or a retro camping night. Encourage guests to dress in period-appropriate attire to enhance the experience.
  • Family Celebrations: Use your garden bar for family celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, or holiday parties. The fun and relaxed atmosphere will make these events memorable.
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Volkswagen Garden Bar
Volkswagen Garden Bars: Design A Garden Bar In The Style Of A Volkswagen Bus

Relaxation and Personal Enjoyment

Apart from social gatherings, your Volkswagen garden bar can be a personal retreat:

  • Reading Nook: Use the bar area as a quiet place to read and unwind. The unique setting can make your relaxation time more enjoyable.
  • Meditation Spot: Create a serene environment for meditation or yoga by adding cushions and soft lighting. The connection to nature can enhance your mindfulness practices.
  • Creative Space: Use the garden bar as a creative workspace for hobbies like painting, writing, or crafting. The inspirational surroundings can boost your creativity and productivity.

Creating a Volkswagen garden bar involves a blend of creativity, craftsmanship, and passion. From the initial planning stages to the final decorative touches, each step offers an opportunity to infuse your personal style into the project. By following this comprehensive guide, you can design a garden bar that not only pays homage to the iconic VW bus but also enhances your outdoor living experience.

Whether you choose to repurpose an actual VW bus or build a custom structure, the result will be a unique and charming addition to your garden. Embrace the adventure and joy of designing your own Volkswagen Garden Bar, and you’ll find yourself with a space that brings both nostalgia and delight to every gathering.

Happy building!

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